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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to First Grade!

     Welcome to The First Grade Page! I am so excited to get to meet and know each of my students! I have many exciting activities planned for this school year and cannot wait to share them with you. This is our class blog. Here you will find out about important things that are going on in our classroom. I will write announcements about fieldtrips, class parties, and in school functions coming up as well as reminders of homework, tests, and projects. I will also try to post pictures of activities we are working on in class. This blog is designed to help keep the line of communication open between school and home. Parents, please help your child access this blog as well as our class website as much as possible so they get accustomed with using the internet to help stay connected. Please feel free to contact to whenever necessary at I look forward to meeting everyone on the first day of school. Have a great rest of summer vacation!